Parvovirus, also known as parvo, can be a scary word. You never want to hear this word mentioned in the same sentence as your puppy. Did you know that it can also affect your kitty? Both cats and dogs are… Read More
How to Create a Healthy Grooming Schedule for Your Dogs
You should arrange a grooming schedule for your dogs. Even if they are supposed to be waiting for a “spa day” coming up, there are still some things you can do until that appointment comes up. However, it is important… Read More
Feline Dental Care: Managing Your Cat’s Oral Health
Caring for all of your pets can sometimes be a struggle. After all, it’s hard to communicate when you can’t speak the same language! But just because cats and dogs cannot talk doesn’t mean they can’t get their point across…. Read More
Tumor Removal: Managing Proper Pet Care After Surgery Happens
Here at Alexander Animal Hospital, one of the critical services we provide is pet tumor removal. While you may be familiar with how this procedure works for people, you might not know much about how it’s different for housepets. After… Read More
Pet Care: The Importance of Rabies Shots for Your Pets
The word “rabies” is scary. No one ever wants to hear it mentioned in the same sentence as “your pet,” so what do you do then? It’s far more common for rabies to affect the wild animals that live in… Read More
Cat Scratching: Nuisance vs. Nature
Cats are notorious for scratching. But is it a nuisance or simply part of their nature? Are there ways to curb cat scratching habits? Here are some practical and helpful tips to encourage cat owners to reduce the amount of… Read More
Good Advice for Taking Care of Senior Dogs
All dogs go through various life stages. Just like humans do, they are born and then raised. They start out as newborns, then become puppies. Over time, this toddler-like stage will lead into an adult, grown-up dog. Eventually, they will… Read More
How to Deal with Your Dog’s Tear Stains
Your canine companion is funny, endearing, beautiful, and – more important than all that – they’re part of your family. So if there’s something potentially wrong, you want to know about it. This is why most people worry about tear… Read More
All You Need to Know About Getting Your Cat a Microchip
Getting a new pet is always exciting! That said, there’s plenty of work to do before Gotcha-Day can happen. One of these preparations includes getting your cat microchipped as soon as possible. This way, they’ll be registered to your home… Read More