Reverse sneezing, aka inspiratory paroxysmal respiration, is when the animal rapidly sucks air in instead of blowing it out. Although this condition is common among dogs, it’s also found in cats. But what exactly is reverse sneezing in animals? And… Read More
How Do Pet Vaccines Protect Your Dog?
Most pet owners know that their pets must be vaccinated, but few understand why or what pet vaccines are. Vaccines are crucial for your pet’s preventative care and wellness. Even an indoor lap dog requires some vaccinations, and Alexander Animal… Read More
Why Do Pets Experience Separation Anxiety?
Separation anxiety occurs when pets experience significant stress when left alone. This can happen after a routine change, such as moving to an unfamiliar area or changing daily schedules. We often think of cats as independent animals, but our feline… Read More
Prevent Lyme Disease in Your Dog
Summer is here, and with the extra time outdoors comes the concern of pests like ticks. If you know someone that has contracted Lyme disease from a tick, then you know how the disease can ruin a body. This article… Read More
Ways to Maintain Your Dog Cool and Comfortable During the Summer
The heat is the biggest threat to summer pet safety. Pets have a higher risk of heat exhaustion and heat stroke since they don’t perspire like we do to maintain their internal temperature low. Dogs do sweat through their paw… Read More
Is It Normal If My Cat is Panting?
Panting is normal for animals. They pant when they are thirsty, happy, or in your face when they seek attention! On the other hand, cats are rarely caught with their tongues out. It’s natural for a cat to take a… Read More
What are the Ideal Pets for Vegan Households?
Many vegans have the desire to provide love and care to animals while they don’t consume (or frequently use) animal products. In contrast, some pets cannot be like their owner and live a vegan lifestyle. So, what are the ideal… Read More
Tips to Prepare Your Pet When You’re Expecting a Baby
A baby brings joy to a family but also lots of changes. Change can be challenging for pets. Preparing your pet when you’re expecting a baby is essential so they can be receptive.
Can Your Dog Tell How You Are Feeling?
Do you ever wonder if your dog can tell how you are feeling? It turns out they can. Dogs observe different signals to notice how their favorite humans are feeling. They can recognize chemical changes using their sense of smell… Read More
Simple Wellness Routine for Your Pet
Just like humans, a wellness routine for your pet may benefit them. Determining a wellness plan right when you bring your pet home is essential because this will optimize their health. As your pet grows, their health needs will develop… Read More